Click on the New Outlet Button (the red plus button) at the bottom right corner of the screen. At the click of the button, the application shows a pop up for you to confirm if you are actually at the location of the outlet as shown below.

Once you click the YES button, it then opens up the Outlet creation form as shown in the figure above.

Fill the form by carrying out the following actions:
1. Select the Outlet Type
2. Select the Outlet Channel
3. Fill the Outlet Name
4. Fill the Phone Number
5. Fill the Street Number
6. Fill the Street Name
7. Fill the Town
8. Select the Location of the outlet
9. Fill the First Name of the contact person
10. Fill the Last Name of the contact person
11. Fill the Phone Number of the contact person
12. Ensure the geolocation information is populate

Once each of the fields have been filled, click on SAVE button. If any of the fields has not been filled, the application will prompt you to fill the appropriate fields.