1. Tap one of the outlets displayed in the list. This will open up a mini visit process with only two steps (Objectives & Sales and Visit Summary)

2. Change the Order Status as required ie. it may be PENDING before, you need to change it to SUPPLIED.

3. Adjust the Sales from the Review of Objectives column as the sales requires. You will see the Total Sales Amount updated.

4. Make payment by tapping MAKE PAYMENT. Then proceed with the payment:
a. Select the Payment Type
b. Input the Reference number if required
c. Input the Amount Paid.

Once you are done with Sales and Payments, swipe to the right or just tap VISIT SUMMARY, you will see the summary of the visit and then you can now finalize the Sales by tapping the FINALIZE button. By doing the above, it means the order has been fully converted to Sales, so it does not show under orders again.